2020年秋季入寮面接について/2020 Autumn Semester Application for Yoshida Dormitory(Yoshida Ryo)/关于2020年秋季吉田寮入住面试/요시다 기숙사 2020 년 가을 학기 신청 (요시다 료)






2020年8月17日 吉田寮自治会


(English) As already announced, Yoshida Dormitory will welcome new residents for autumn 2020 (more info: yoshidaryo.org/enter). We will also conduct an interview for applicants as usual.
However, considering the current situation that the novel coronavirus is spreading, applicants are given some additional support by the application. Applicants, who are infected or suspected to be infected with the novel coronavirus or who hesitate to come to Yoshida Dormitory for the interview because of the risk of infection, please inform that by sending an email to yoshidaryo.nyusen@gmail.com, then you can have an interview even before or after the official interview period.
As for preventive measures, Yoshida Dormitory is provided with enough medical masks and sanitizer so that residents and visitors can sanitize their hands and prevent infection. We will keep making efforts in providing preventive measures.
The interview will take place in a room which can be ventilated and sanitized enough after each interview. Please note that you have to wear a mask during the interview.
If you have any question or concern, please send an email to
yoshidaryo.nyusen@gmail.com. Since the situation regarding the novel coronavirus is still serious and also changing, you can feel free to consult us via email, phone call or online call. Please be aware that this talk is different from the compulsory interview. The interview will be held in principle only in person at the dormitory. We would like to be informed of applicant’s situation in order to meet the need of each applicant as much as possible, so please contact us anytime if you are planning to live in Yoshida Dormitory.

17th Aug, 2020. Yoshida Dormitory Residents Association